FES New Hydro-Reaming Kit—boost pile carrying capacity by 30%!
FES is pleased to introduce an innovative Hydraulic Reaming Kit (HRK) to the market.
The concept of HRK is to drive under-reaming tools utilizing the hydraulic power source of an existing rotary drill rig and achieve a controllable and predictable result of reaming inside a borehole. The reaming could be done on the bottom or anywhere inside a borehole, which would help boost the carrying capacity of the pileup to 30%.
A typical HRK consists of a mini power pack (which obtains a hydraulic source from an existing rotary drill rig), a wheeled hydraulic hoses, a control and monitor system, and a reaming tool. In comparison with conventional mechanical belling tools /under reaming tools, which are pushed down to the bottom of the borehole and expanded for under-reaming, HRK brings significant benefits to foundation drilling work, including
* To ream pile at any desired level, vs under-reaming pile bottom only with the mechanical method.
* To guarantee the result of reaming as the tools would be fully expanded by hydraulic force with no surprise, vs an unexpected result from the mechanical under-reaming method, especially in case of hard soil conditions.
* A visual monitor is available to check the real-time result of reaming by HRK working with belling tools.
Click the link below to watch the video:
Post time:May-12-2022